Swim @ The PSLC

Sat 18 Dec 2021 @ 04:00pm - Sat 18 Dec 2021 @ 06:00pm

Cub trip to the pool at PSLC.

We have booked the PSLC Pool for 2 hours on December 18th. The group will be split in two and each section will have a 1 hour slot. There will be time at the begining of each session for the Cubs to complete their Water Safety badge and then the remainder of the time will be free play. The cost is being covered from the annual subscriptions.

Water Safety

Below are the details of the requirements for each Stage of the badge. The Cubs will be free to decide on what level they would like to accomplish.

Stage 1

  1. Learn the general safety rules for swimming (such as not diving into shallow water or not swimming on your own) and where it is safe to swim locally.
  2. Show you know how to prepare for exercises such as taking part in a warm up.
  3. Demonstrate a controlled entry, without using the steps, into at least 1.5 metres of water.
  4. Swim 10 metres on your front.
  5. Tread water for 30 seconds in a vertical position.
  6. Using a buoyancy aid, float still in the water for 30 seconds.
  7. Demonstrate your ability to retrieve an object from chest-deep water.
  8. Perform a push and glide on both your front and back.
  9. Swim 25 metres without stopping.
  10. Take part in an organised swimming activity.

Stage 2

  1. Learn the general safety rules for swimming (such as not diving into shallow water or not swimming on your own) and where it is safe to swim locally.
  2. Show you know how to prepare for exercises such as taking part in a warm up.
  3. Demonstrate a controlled entry or dive from the side of the pool, into at least 1.5 metres of water.
  4. Swim 10 metres on your front, 10 metres on your back and 10 metres on your back using only your legs.
  5. Tread water for three minutes in a vertical position.
  6. Surface dive into at least 1.5 metres of water and touch the bottom with both hands.
  7. Mushroom float for ten seconds.
  8. Enter the pool and push off from the side on your front, gliding for five metres.
  9. From the side of the pool, push off on your back and glide for as far as possible.
  10. Swim 100 metres without stopping.
  11. Take part in an organised swimming activity.

Stage 3

  1. Learn the general safety rules for swimming (such as not diving into shallow water or not swimming on your own) and where it is safe to swim locally.
  2. Show you know how to prepare for exercises (You could do this by leading a warm up).
  3. Demonstrate a controlled entry or dive from the side of the pool into at least 1.5 metres of water.
  4. Swim 50 metres in shirt and shorts.
  5. Tread water for three minutes, with one hand behind your back.
  6. Surface dive into 1.5 metres of water and recover an object with both hands from the bottom. Return to the side of the pool, holding the object in both hands.
  7. Enter the water from the side of the pool by sliding in from a sitting position. Using any floating object for support, take up and hold the heat escape lessening posture for five minutes.
  8. Swim 400 metres without stopping.
  9. Take part in a different organised swimming activity to the one on your previous swimming badge.







- Cubs




Open for Booking from: 2 Jun 2024
Closing for Bookings on: 2 Jun 2024
Book Now

Practical Information

What to Wear

- N/A

What to Pack

- Swim Gear
- Googles


- Scouting Ireland Consent Form


- None required



